Community Sports Hubs

Midlothian Primary Schools Cross Country Event!

Over 315 Midlothian primary pupils competed in the Cross Country races at Vogrie!

Cross Country

It was fantastic to see 16 primary schools from all across Midlothian come together at Vogrie for our Active Schools Cross Country event.

There were 4 races altogether:  P6 boy, P6 girl, P7 boy and P7 girl races.

The atmosphere was brilliant with crowds cheering on all the competitors as they raced down the big lawn at Vogrie House and onto the course throughout the grounds.

The pupils ran really well with some great times and a few very tight finishes right at the end of the approx. 1,500m course.  We were also very impressed by all the great sportsmanship, enthusiasm, support and encouragement of the pupils for their peers!

Congratulations to Lasswade Primary School for winning the overall event Trophy!  This was for the school which performed best across all 4 races, with a minimum of 3 runners in each race.

The event was supported by the invaluable support of Lasswade Atheltics Club volunteers and officials, and colleagues from Sport and Leisure, and big thanks to the staff and Rangers at Vogrie for all their support!

This event had been rescheduled from October, when it had to be cancelled due to adverse weather, but this time the sun shone!

The results are as follows:

Team event

1st - Lasswade Primary 

2nd - Cornbank Primary

3rd - Roslin Primary


Individual race results:

P6 Girls: 1st  - Cornbank; 2nd - Lasswade; 3rd - Woodburn

P6 Boys:  1st - Bonnyrigg; 2nd - Cornbank; 3rd - Roslin

P7 Girls:  1st - Tynewater; 2nd - Strathesk; 3rd - Roslin

P7 Boys: 1st - Roslin; 2nd Lasswade; 3rd - Roslin


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