Community Sports Hubs

Midlothian’s Newest Sport – Pickleball!

Pickleball - the fastest growing sport in the world!  Could Pickleball soon become the fastest growing sport in Midlothian?  


After a successful roll-out to Ageing Well groups in Midlothian, across two Midlothian Council leisure facilities, officers looked to build on this success with a free family event recently held at Lasswade Centre.

Still in the early stages of the rise of this accessible intergenerational racquet sport, it is hoped Midlothian will soon become the latest area to fully jump aboard the Pickleball bandwagon!

Pickleball is a fun game that combines elements of tennis, badminton and table tennis and is played on a badminton sized court. Invented in the USA around 50 years ago, it is a fantastic introduction to racquet skills; a game that can be played all year round either indoors or outdoors; and is a game that can be enjoyed and is accessible to all ages.

After receiving training support from Pickleball Scotland Ambassadors, Louise Harrison and Linda Hamilton, over two targeted training events, Pickleball is already thriving for the over 50’s in Midlothian as part of a robust Ageing Well activities programme.

Ageing Well Pickleball sessions currently run on Tuesday’s 5.30-7.45pm at Lasswade Centre and Thursdays 12 – 1.30pm at Gorebridge Leisure Centre with both sessions proving extremely popular and now operating a waiting list. (Details on how you can join the waiting list can be found at the bottom of the article).

On Wednesday 3rd April, around 40 people attended a free family Pickleball introductory session at Lasswade Centre advertised and promoted by Midlothian Council’s Sport & Leisure Development Team and Midlothian Active Schools.  The event lead by five very enthusiastic Pickleball volunteer coaches, was aimed at children from P4 upwards and their family members, giving them a basic taster introduction to the sport, rules and on-court experience.

Midlothian Active Schools plan to offer additional free opportunities for school aged children and young people over the coming months to support the roll-out of Pickleball, with the first opportunity being advertised in the next Active Schools flyer going out after the Easter school holiday.  These sessions will take place on a Monday after school at Lasswade Centre.

In addition to the above, both Midlothian Council’s Lasswade Centre and Newbattle Community Campus are both offering court hire for Pickleball - with free equipment hire as an introductory offer!

Promotion, training and support is planned for all Midlothian Schools through Midlothian Active Schools and options are currently being explored to obtain fully funded equipment as part of the roll-out.

Midlothian Active Schools will require additional volunteer coaches to support this and are keen to hear from those willing to support Pickleball in school and out-with school hours. (Contact Information below).

Furthermore, sessions are currently in operation at Glencorse Centre, Roslin Pavilion (Roslin Rhino’s) and will soon be introduced at Beeslack Community High School.

Further Information:

Ageing Well (Over 50’s): Vivian Wallace, Ageing Well Coordinator: 07825 356478

Midlothian Active Schools:

Court Hire:


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